PAR Presenters

Meet the speakers who have shared their thought leadership with the PAR community. These are the subject matter experts who are committed to changing the association landscape to help us all succeed.

Jay Ablondi

Director of Business Development | Sponsorships, Exhibits, & AdvertisingMassachusetts Medical Society

Jodi Ashcraft

Director of Media & Event SalesAmerican Psychological Association (APA)

John Bacon

VP, Sales & Partner ExperienceASAE

Jay Blankenship

SVP, Revenue Strategy & Operations, EnterpriseMCI USA

Susan Borke


Rick Borry


Kimberly Bottom

Senior Account DirectorFeathr

Michelle Brien | Matchbox

VP, MarketingMatchbox

Amy Burke

Senior Vice President, Engagement, Association Solutions, MCI and Executive Director, Special Libraries AssociationSpecial Libraries Association

Teri Carden

Founder, Non-Dues-A-PaloozaNon-Dues-A-Palooza

Christine Clapp

Founder & PresidentSpoken with Authority

Jeff Cobb

Managing DirectorTagoras

Joe Colangelo

CEOBear Analytics

Dan Cole

Sr. Director, Exposition SalesAudio Video Integrated Experience Associaiton

Lauren Collins

Vice President of Member ServicesPublic Relations Society of America (PRSA)

Neal Couture, FASAE, CAE

Chief Executive OfficerThe American Society for Nondestructive Testing

Keith Daw

VP of GSD - McDonell Consulting GroupMcDonell Consulting Group, Sandler Training

Vinnu Deshetty

CEO/FounderEVA | Event Tech Hub

Todd Eckman

Sales Manager, MCIMCI

Tom Egan

VP, Industry ServicesPMMI

Jim Elliott

PresidentJames G. Elliott Co., Inc.

Connie Ferger

Associate Director, MarketingEDUCAUSE

Lewis Flax

PresidentFlax Associates

Sylvia Gonner, CAE

Global Expert & Cross-Cultural GuruCulture Wiz

Shane Hanlon

Executive EditorC&EN BrandLab

Carrie Hartin

President, Sales Solutions & ServicesMCI USA

Amy Hawkes Repke

Chief Content OfficerAssociation of Corporate Counsel

Carly Heideger

Sales Manager, Sales Solutions & ServicesMCI USA

Allan Hirsh

Author, 45 Minute BreakthroughsAllan Hirsh Advisors

Park Howell

FounderBusiness of Story

Ty Johnson

Chief Operating OfficerIDSA

Dana Johnston

Vice President, Client Partnerships, Trade Show MarketingEMC Outdoor

Carla Kalogeridis

Co-founder and PresidentKalo Media, LLC

Krystle Kopacz


Dan Kowitz

Founder and CEO, JSB Partnership ConsultantsJSB Partnership Consultants

Addy M. Kujawa, CAE, DES

Chief Executive OfficerAmerican Alliance of Orthopedic Executives (AAOE)

Leah Lang

Director of Corporate EngagementEDUCAUSE

Ben Ledyard

SVP, Sales, Media & EventsMCI

Robb Lee

SVP, Integrated StrategyYes&

Amy Lestition Burke

Executive Director & CEOSolid Waste Association of North America (SWANA)

Jason Levin

Author, Speaker, Trainer & Career and Business Development CoachReady, Set, Launch, LLC

Thad Lurie

SVP, Digital and TechnologyAmerican Geophysical Union (AGU)

Marcus Maleck

Director Global Business PartnershipsSociety for Clinical Research Sites (SCRS)

Maneesha Manges

Chief Experience OfficerHighRoad Solutions

Brian Marks

Sales Manager, MCIMCI

Dan McGrath

Vice President, Client DevelopmentCOACH MEdia

Carrie McIntyre


Colleen McKenna

CEO, FounderIntero Advisory

Christine Melendes

Chief Commercial OfficerAssociation for Corporate Growth

Evan O'Neill

Associate Director of SalesFeathr

Emilie Perkins, CMP, CAE, CMM, PMP, CED

Director Client & Conference ServicesRaybourn Group International

Erin Pressley, CAE

SVP Education, Training & EventsNRECA

Jane Qin Medeiros

GM/EVP, StudioIDIndustry Dive

Katie Riggs, CMP, CAE, CMM, HMCC, CED

Chief Event StrategistRiggs & Co

Bruce Rosenthal

Corporate Sponsorship Consultant and Co-Convener of the Partnership Professionals Network (PPN)Partnership Professionals Network (PPN)

Vern Schellenger

President and CEOContacts Count

Brittany Shoul

SVP, Revenue Strategy & OperationsMCI USA

Anthony Simone

Vice President, DevelopmentThe Bill of Rights Institute

Suzie Smith

Senior Manager, National Accounts, HMP GlobalHMP Global

Jen Smith

Executive Program DirectorPAR

Sean Soth

Founder & Leadership Advisory Board ChairProfessionals for Association Revenue (PAR)

Celisa Steele

Co-founder and Managing DirectorTagoras

Chris Strong

PrincipleWest Side Strategies

Dr. Michael Tatonetti, CAE, CPP

FounderPricing for Associations

Tiffany Teal

Business Partnerships Manager, Hi-Fidelity GroupHi-Fidelity Group

Nikole Tenbrink

Chief Membership and Marketing OfficerSociety for Corporate Governance

Jeff Tenenbaum

Managing PartnerTenenbaum Law Group PLLC

Mike Thompson

CEO, Learner MobileLearner Mobile

Kristen Wall, EdD

Director of Learning & Development, Blue Sky eLearnBlue Sky eLearn

Christopher Ware

Vice President of Business Development and Strategic InitiativesNAIOP

Lori Zoss Kraska, MBA, CFRE

Founder/Chief PrincipalGrowth Owl, LLC