2024 Theme Pioneering the future of association business and revenue health. Join us on November 19 - 21    Register Today!

Full Program Announced

2024 Keynote Announcements

A Better Blueprint: Creating a Culture Where Business is Valued

We all want a workplace culture that helps us to be more successful in our work as association revenue producers, but sometimes the culture we have seems to be stacked against us, and changing that culture seems out of our reach.

Create a better business culture with Jamie Notter at the RevUP Summit.


Improve your programs and people while accelerating revenue health for your association.


Understand how associations are growing revenue while prioritizing purpose.


Gain ideas, strategies and tactics to help build your association’s bottom line.

Join the Pre-event: Leading Learning @ RevUP, Nov 19

Expert insights and peer learning to help you grow your learning business revenue.

PAR members understand the challenges and opportunities in driving success for your organization. Ideas are abundant, but our teams are often challenged to turn these concepts into outcomes. That's why the RevUP Summit is designed to equip you not just with ideas, but with the essential business skills and insights to drive them into action.


Save the date: November 20-21, 2024

What to expect
at RevUP

Join the PAR community to venture into new territories of revenue generation and business development. Journey with your peers to uncover the opportunities, strategies and techniques that lead to better business outcomes for associations.

The RevUP Summit is for association pros who want to improve their association's bottom line:

  • C-suite
  • Non-dues revenue teams
  • Events leaders
  • Membership leaders
  • Marketing leaders
  • Programs and Education leaders
  • anyone who influences business outcomes in your association