PAR GOATs Share Insights for 2022
In the final webcast of 2021, The Professionals for Association Revenue celebrated the PAR community's top contributors and recognized them as the Greatest of ALL Twenty-Twenty One (GOATs). In 2021, PAR delivered forward-thinking content around strategy, sales skills, events, sales metrics, non-dues ideas, and many more topics focused on improving association revenue health. In this video and in the post below, our GOATs share what they learned in 2021 and give insight into how they believe associations can best move forward in 2022.

Brittany Shoul
The basics of sales have not changed. It's always about defining and delivering our unique value propositions and building meaningful connections for our audiences through the right programs and products. What has changed is HOW we deliver that value proposition through WHAT unique programs and products. 2021 presented an opportunity to create new ideas with a lasting impact. We have to continue to adapt, grow, and change our products to meet the needs of our audiences where they are today and tomorrow.
Bruce Rosenthal
Partnership Professionals Network, Co-Convener
There is increasing competition for sponsorship dollars from companies; companies are reducing the number of associations they sponsor based on ROI; companies are more likely to sponsor associations that offer customized, year-long sponsorship packages based on the company’s business needs and marketing goals.

Christopher Ware
NAIOP, Vice President of Business Development and Strategic Initiatives
We spent a lot of time and effort generating quality relationships with our sponsors over the past decade. They know and trust us. That paid off when everything shut down in 2020. Now that things are opening up again our sponsors are back in a big way. The power of good relationships can’t be overstated. It takes time, effort, and yes, money, to do. But it’s the best investment you can make.
Nikole TenBrink
IES, Director Marketing and Business Development
Understanding your target audience’s needs is essential for creating successful campaigns. In years past, I would have said that being open-minded is most important, even when faced with perspectives that may differ from your own. Recently a colleague shared with me that she tries to remain curious in both her professional and personal interactions, and this resonated with me. The past year has taught me to consider what may be happening “behind the scenes,” and to always remain curious – to ask why and how – to better understand and empathize before diving into business. Remaining curious takes being open-minded to an even deeper level, recognizing there is a unique story behind each of the diverse perspectives that we encounter on a daily basis.

Rachel Druckenmiller
Unmuted, CEO
Whenever you feel stuck, ask "WHO" not "HOW"? You only have so much capacity to problem solve and get things done. When you start to ask questions like, "WHO can be a resource for me?" "WHO has been in my shoes who might have insight on this?" and "WHO can best support me right now?" we mobilize ourselves to get support rather than trying to handle everything alone. Asking for help does not make you a burden and does not mean you are inadequate. It means you are human.
Ryan Dohrn
Brain Swell Media, Global Sales and Marketing Advisor
Adjusting our sales process, prices, and sponsorship deliverables in this post-pandemic world is critical to long-term success for my association clients. I am seeing clients raise prices, cut options, add in forced virtual event clauses, and in some cases pretend that the pandemic was a fad as opposed to a world-altering event. I am not suggesting that you cut prices. Instead, I am suggesting that your sponsors need help bouncing back and if you position yourself as a hero, you will have a sponsor for a lifetime.