Register Now Turning Content Into Cash: What Association Execs Can Learn from B2B Media Wed, March 19, 2025
2:00PM – 3:00PM (EST)
Amy Hawkes Repke Krystle Kopacz Association of Corporate Counsel Revmade
Professionals For Association Revenue Join the PAR community today! PAR is pioneering the home for association business and revenue health Pioneering the future of association business and revenue health. REGISTER TODAY 2025 Dates Announced! Join us November 4-6, 2025 in Annapolis, MD.


From Peaks to Valleys: Mastering Non-Dues Revenue with Strategic Leadership

Developing a thriving non-dues revenue program isn’t just about the right ideas; it hinges on effective leadership and streamlined internal processes. Learn how findings from PAR’s Non-Dues Revenue Performance Report support the need for data based decision-making, internal collaboration and active leadership to a successful non-dues strategy.

Move Beyond Virtual Events and Into Long-Term Digital Transformations

The distinction between virtual and digital may seem like a matter of semantics, but shifting from the former to the latter has the potential to catapult your association from relevant to indispensable. In this PARtners @ Work feature, Matchbox shares 5 steps for launching a new digital initiative.

What Top Podcasts Can Teach Your Association About Audience Engagement

Associations aren’t the only entities facing the challenges of a competitive market. The podcast industry, which experienced significant growth from 2014 to 2020, is also reimagining its work while decreasing its workforce. Join PAR as we examine why these top podcasts of 2023 were recognized as the best among more than 4 million shows worldwide… and what your association can learn from them about audience engagement.

Executive Take: Big Ideas for Associations

Associations have the opportunity to pioneer new opportunities for business that will impact their missions. We asked the most recent PAR GOAT Award nominees to share one big idea for associations to consider in 2024.

Press Release: PAR Announces Michelle Brien of Matchbox Virtual Media as the Recipient of the 2023 PAR GOAT Award

Towson, MD, January 18, 2024 – The Professionals for Association Revenue (PAR) is pleased to announce the recipient of the 2023 PAR GOAT Award, Michelle Brien, Vice President of Marketing, Matchbox Virtual Media. The PAR GOAT Award recognizes outstanding professionalism, dedication, and passion for raising awareness around the impact of association business development.

Executive Take: Memorable Professional Advice

As a new year begins, find out what this group of association professionals say is the best advice they’ve received during their professional career.

PAR Industry Research

Exclusive association business insights for revenue performance.

The Leadership Advisory Board of the Professionals for Association Revenue helps to set strategy, programming and provide the PAR team with feedback and insight.  Learn more about this dynamic group of accomplished association executives who lend their experience and share revenue insights for our community. Learn More...


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