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Identifying and implementing new product offerings is key as associations look for ways to connect members and industry partners in 2021. In this PAR Webcast Series presentation, business development executives Sean Soth (PAR), Suzie Smith (HMP Global) and Tiffany Teal (ALA) presented ten (instead of five!) ways their organizations are working to bridge the sales gap with new program ideas.
It’s easy to feel disconnected from colleagues and partners during this time of virtual communication and events. That’s why we’re addressing the value of people focused follow-ups in this latest OnPAR video short.
4 Takeaways from Portfolio Show & Tell: Review key takeaways shared and learned during PAR Revenue Renegades bi-weekly meet-up.
Our associations have long delivered quality programs and products for members and business partners. In 2021, we have a chance to create and launch new and exciting programs with lasting impact. Webcast presenter Brittany Shoul, VP and Director of Sales for MCI’s Sales Solutions and Services business unit, provides us with a preview of one topic that will be covered.
Erin Pressley is the Vice President of Education and Media for the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS). We asked Pressley how NACS is able to connect their two member groups, retailers and suppliers, in meaningful ways — particularly during a worldwide pandemic.
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5 Takeaways from Positioning Association Value: Review key takeaways shared and learned during PAR Revenue Renegades bi-weekly meet-up.
Associations are working to pivot, create, re-position and re-launch program offerings for members and industry partners alike. Which phrase best describes your product/program development over the past year?