PARtners at Work

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Pierre PARtnership Award Finalists Announced: Recognizing Association Business Innovation

Towson, MD, November 29, 2022 – The Professionals for Association Revenue (PAR) has announced the 2022 Finalists of the Pierre PARtnership Award recognizing business forward association programs, events, and staff experiences that align mission and business. Finalists will discuss their work and the award will be presented during the RevUP Summit, December 7-8, in Annapolis, Maryland.

Producer Toolbox: Sales Report Template

An effective sales report is more than a collection of metrics and data. It is how effective sales teams set, communicate and track their business development goals and efforts with the rest of their organization. This sales report download is available to all PAR members.

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How to Grow Your Membership With Active and Engaged Volunteers

Associations Council is making it easy for volunteers to say ‘yes’ with toolkits, incentives and open communication. The result? Engaged members who are vital to growing the membership base.

PAR GOAT Awards: Honoring Association Revenue Impact

Wed, January 18, 2023 – 2:00PM – 3:00PM (EST)

Carrie Hartin, Colleen McKenna, Lori Zoss Kraska, MBA, CFRE, Erin Pressley, CAE, Bruce Rosenthal, Jeff Tenenbaum, Nikole Tenbrink, Sean Soth

Join association revenue producers from across the globe as we celebrate 12 months of great conversation, learning, and subject matter leadership.  PAR presenters will reflect on their year, and share what’s ahead for 2023.  Don’t…

Is Your Association Ready for Corporate Sponsorship Investment?

Successful corporate sponsorship programs benefit both professional members as well as the sponsoring organization. But sometimes the word ‘corporate’ is an unwelcomed word when talking with association leadership and board members. Discover how to improve the conversation and begin assessing your association’s readiness for corporate sponsorship investment with expert Lori Zoss Kraska.

How Strategic Sponsor Conversations Led to Revenue Boosts for NAMI

Learn how the North American Meat Institute (NAMI) built a $2 million dollar sponsorship program by listening to sponsors and delivering value.

How Associations Can Build Lasting Client and Member Relationships

Wed, March 15, 2023 – 2:00PM – 3:00PM (EST)

Jason Levin

In the age of hybrid and remote work, authentically keeping in touch with current and past clients and members remains a challenge.  Do these questions resonate with you? Have you ever felt awkward wanting to reach…

Discover How to Standout on LinkedIn

Colleen McKenna is the Founder and CEO of Intero Advisory and the author of the book ‘It’s Business, Not Social.’ More than 750 companies have engaged with Intero Advisory over the years for LinkedIn strategy, training, coaching, and campaign management. This December, McKenna will be be accessible to attendees of the Professionals for Association Revenue’s RevUP Summit as she presents a ‘LinkedIn for Business Development’ workshop.

How to Become an Intentional Conference Attendee

Attending a professional conference can be an overwhelming experience. Dashing between education sessions, strategic meetings, and networking events makes for a fantastic week, but how do we reflect on and implement real organizational change once we are back in our home base?

Pierre PARtnership Award Announced: Recognizing When Association Mission and Business Intersect

Towson, MD, October 12, 2022 – The Professionals for Association Revenue (PAR) has announced the launch of the Pierre PARtnership Award recognizing business forward association programs, events, and staff experiences. This new award will be presented during the RevUP Summit (December 7-8, 2022), a conference focused on the insights needed to advance association revenue to support mission.