
Showing 31-40 of 120.

Elevating Business Competencies is Key to Association Revenue Success

July 12, 2023

PAR announces agenda for the RevUP Summit, the leading association conference dedicated to improving association business.

Executive Take: Elevating In-Person Events

July 3, 2023

Virtual interactions are part of our everyday lives, but in-person events still hold great value for our associations as long as we think critically about their value. That is the topic of this month’s edition of Executive Take.

Ways to Win: Sharpening Negotiation Skills to Get Results

June 14, 2023

The professional negotiations that revenue producers undertake can determine the success of organizations. While negotiating is often viewed as a skill that a person either has or doesn’t, it can be practiced for optimal success. PAR workshop presenter Susan Borke tells us how.

What Business Development Teams Need to Know About Publishing

June 8, 2023

When content, marketing and sales teams work together a powerful association ecosystem takes shape. But often these three groups operate with a siloed and disparate approach instead of a strategic one. We interviewed Marlene Hendrickson, incoming AM&P Network president and the Senior Director of Publishing and Marketing for the American Staffing Association, for a publisher’s perspective on a content driven sales strategy.

Executive Take: Simplifying the Sales Process

June 2, 2023

The association sales process presents unique and complex challenges. How can association sales leaders help their teams navigate the nuances of their organization’s structure and focus instead on building and maintaining relationships? That is the topic of this month’s edition of “Executive Take.”

Top Priorities for Association Sales Leaders

May 30, 2023

Structuring, supporting and measuring the success of a sales team are top priorities of all association sales leaders. In this article, thee association sales leaders share their experiences building and maintaining successful sales teams.

Poll: Projected Budget Performance 2023

May 9, 2023

Association Business Performance: What statement below best describes your association’s projected budget performance for 2023?

Why More Sales Staff May Not Be the Answer to Revenue Woes

May 8, 2023

51% of respondents to PAR’s Association Landscape Survey said their business development practices would improve if they had more staff focused on the task. But as staffing challenges continue to disrupt the global workforce, adding more staff may not be an easy solution – or the right one.

OnPAR Video Short: A Strong Case for Strategy

April 25, 2023

Association executives Erin Pressley, Carrie Hartin and Sean Soth presented a 1-hour virtual workshop highlighting the key findings from PAR’s Association Business Development Landscape Survey. Take 90-seconds to watch as the panelists make a case for the importance of an organizational wide strategy.

5 Ways Your Sales Team Can Overcome the Biggest Prospecting Pitfall

April 10, 2023

60% of associations polled in a new Professionals for Association Revenue (PAR) survey reported their sales teams need to allocate more time each week to prospecting for clients, members and event attendees. But do associations need more prospecting time or do they simply need to prospect more efficiently?