The Association Business Development Landscape: Benchmark Your Association’s Business Performance
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Join PAR Leadership Advisory Board Members as we explore data derived from 18-month research around association business development performance and applications. Learn what associations are doing to generate revenue, measure it and improve workforce output. The PAR Business Development landscape report will be featured throughout the presentation and provide insights on gaps and opportunities for your team to understand and improve. Explore insights like revenue performance gaps: only 48% of respondents reported they plan to achieve their membership budget in this calendar year. Even less (41%) believe they will meet event attendee registration budgets. Join this important discussion to gain insight into the current association business development landscape and benchmark your own association’s performance.
Sean Soth
Founder & Leadership Advisory Board Chair
Sean Soth is the Leadership Advisory Board Chair of Professionals for Association Revenue, a member organization focused on improving association revenue health through community and resources. As a recognized business development expert, Sean has led multiple sales portfolios in a variety of industries including: life sciences, legal, government contracting, association management, training and development, and healthcare. In these relationships, Sean’s teams surpass budget objectives, while launching new program and product development for thousands of clients per year.
In addition to his role with PAR, Sean is owner of Hi-Fidelity Group, Inc. a managed sales and marketing firm focused on exhibit and sponsorship sales and a Co-Founder of Webvent, a digital platform for webcast management and online directories for associations.
Sean is a regular speaker at industry conferences speaking about the value of audience, business development, and marketing best practices
Carrie Hartin
President, Sales Solutions & Services
Carrie is an organizational leader focused on developing revenue and publishing strategies. For nearly 20 years, she has successfully delivered sales strategies for a variety of trade and professional associations. As the President of Sales, Solutions and Services for MCI-USA, Carrie’s specialties include revenue strategy and implementation, organizational management, media consulting, talent development and recruiting. She has been a key member of the PAR Leadership Advisory Board since 2019.
Erin Pressley, CAE
SVP Education, Training & Events
As Senior Vice President for Education, Training and Events at NRECA, Erin leads the organization’s extensive meeting and events programming and education and training curriculum for nearly 900 electric cooperatives nationwide. Erin has spent most of her professional career generating the right content for the right people to inspire the right action. From print magazines to digital newsletters, from main stages to virtual group gatherings, Erin helps curate and tell stories that deliver tangible and profitable results to organizations. Erin joins NRECA following a 15 year career with the National Association of Convenient Stores (NACS) and is a member of the PAR Leadership Advisory Board.