
Showing 91-100 of 120.

Revenue Renegades: Top Takeaways From How to Frame Value in Customer Conversations

April 29, 2021

Top Takeaways from How to Frame Customer Value in Client Conversations: Review key takeaways shared and learned during PAR Revenue Renegades meet-up.

This past Wednesday, revenue producers from the association industry came together to chat about framing value in client communications. Participants discussed how having an agenda is one of the most important ways to ensure your association’s value shines through with each interaction. PAR members have been sharing ideas and chatting about value proposition in the month of April.

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The Value of a Strong Value Proposition: OnPAR-Ep8 Pt. 2

April 27, 2021

April was Value Proposition Month for the Professionals for Association Revenue. Our April webcast focused on “The Impact of Value Proposition” and featured CAE professional Sylvia Gonner of TheCultureWiz.com. As part of the webcast, PAR featured two associations that have used at least one of Sylvia’s six ingredients to build their value propositions- The Institute of Internal Auditors and The National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors.

Poll: Client Communication Methods in 2021

April 27, 2021

A recent PAR peer meet-up explored client communication in the pandemic, offering many balanced channels and ideas on social, meetings, and other association tent poles throughout the year. Which method has been best for connecting with your clients?

The Value of a Strong Value Proposition: OnPAR-Ep8 Pt. 1

April 26, 2021

April was Value Proposition Month for the Professionals for Association Revenue. Our April webcast focused on “The Impact of Value Proposition” and featured CAE professional Sylvia Gonner of TheCultureWiz.com. As part of the webcast, PAR featured two associations that have used at least one of Sylvia’s six ingredients to build their value propositions- The Institute of Internal Auditors and The National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors.

Revenue Renegades: Top Takeaways From Client Communication: Tech, Tactics and Texting

April 22, 2021

Top Takeaways from Client Communication: Tech, Tactics and Texting: Review key takeaways shared and learned during PAR Revenue Renegades bi-weekly meet-up.

This past Wednesday, revenue producers from the association industry came together to chat about client communication. Participants shared ideas, thoughts and perspectives on all things tech, communication tactics, and even texting as a business development professional. As part of PAR’s April Value Proposition Month, the Revenue Renegades were able to tie in the importance of communicating the association’s value with each outreach, no matter the method or platform.

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Revenue Renegades: Top Takeaways From Building Customer Value

April 8, 2021

Top Takeaways from Building Customer Value: Review key takeaways shared and learned during PAR Revenue Renegades bi-weekly meet-up.

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Customer Value: How do your Partnerships Measure Up?

March 31, 2021

For association industry partners (exhibitors, sponsors, advertisers), value can be defined by the desired outcome of a purchase measured against the cost or time required to conduct business with your organization. What area of value creation do you believe is most important to your industry partners in 2021?

Revenue Renegades: Top Takeaways From Sales Calls With Purpose

March 25, 2021

Top Takeaways from Sales Calls With Purpose: Review key takeaways shared and learned during PAR Revenue Renegades bi-weekly meet-up.

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Revenue Renegades: Top Takeaways From Market Questions that Create Results

March 12, 2021

Top Takeaways from Market Questions that Create Results: Review key takeaways shared and learned during PAR Revenue Renegades bi-weekly meet-up.

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Revenue Renegades: 5 Takeaways From Sales Materials that Matter

March 1, 2021

5 Takeaways from Sales Materials that Matter: Review key takeaways shared and learned during PAR Revenue Renegades bi-weekly meet-up.

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