PAR Stafff

Showing 91-100 of 132.

3 Questions: How COVID Has Shifted the Sponsorship Paradigm

In our “3 Questions” series, we ask top industry professionals to answer three questions within their area of expertise. In this edition, we’re talking about how COVID has shifted the sponsorship paradigm with the Co-Conveners…

Meet a Member Organization: SCRS and Jimmy Bechtel, VP Site Engagement

PAR is a professional member organization working to help association teams grow revenue and support the business development workforce. Community is more critical than ever, and our hope is to help association teams approach their work now with new resources and support from peers and subject matter experts. Sharing the ideas and successes of our PAR member organizations can help all of us grow our associations together towards the future of business development.

Poll: Addressing Event Risk for Your Sponsors

As associations return to events for 2021 and beyond, every audience is dealing with a variety of unkowns that are likely delaying or discontinuing sponsor investment. Which risk factor has had the greatest impact on your team’s ability to close sponsor revenue now?

Members on the Move: How Association Members Benefit from Becoming Modern Learners

As associations look for new ways to educate and inform members, one answer is in the palm of their hands: Mobile learning. It’s a growing industry that’s expected to reach $78.5 billion by 2025 as corporations, educational institutions and associations work to better meet customer, student and member needs wherever they are — and that is increasingly in front of their smartphones.

Characteristics of High Performing Sales Teams: OnPAR-Ep9

Despite the changes and challenges to our associations, high performing sales teams are able to find ways to continue to work towards revenue health. Watch this week’s OnPAR Video Short as Author Mary Byers, CAE shares her insight into how great sales teams worked to maintain stability in a time of uncertainty during the previous year.

Association Leadership Tips the Scales for Sales

The way organizations sell has changed forever as a result of the pandemic. More members and clients are looking for sales teams to help guide them through a process while providing insight or challenging their held presumptions about your membership, subscriptions, events and partnerships.

The Value of a Strong Value Proposition: OnPAR-Ep8 Pt. 1

April was Value Proposition Month for the Professionals for Association Revenue. Our April webcast focused on “The Impact of Value Proposition” and featured CAE professional Sylvia Gonner of As part of the webcast, PAR featured two associations that have used at least one of Sylvia’s six ingredients to build their value propositions- The Institute of Internal Auditors and The National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors.

Business Partner Product Offerings: OnPAR-Ep7

Many of our pre-pandemic programs and products are no longer relevant, but are our new offerings grabbing the interest of our business partners? Watch this week’s OnPAR Video Short for one tip to help you develop products that your business partners want to buy.

Customer Value: How do your Partnerships Measure Up?

For association industry partners (exhibitors, sponsors, advertisers), value can be defined by the desired outcome of a purchase measured against the cost or time required to conduct business with your organization. What area of value creation do you believe is most important to your industry partners in 2021?

Top Sales Skill in 2021: OnPAR-Ep6

Ready to gain a variety of new ideas for your team in less than 3 minutes? Watch top association executives from our PAR Leadership Advisory Board answer the question, “What sales skill is most important for client communication in 2021?”