The podcast that will get everyone in your association talking about revenue health!

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About the Podcast

It’s not always easy talking about association business. But, what if it’s not what we are saying, but how we are saying it?

Introducing, Association RevUP, a new podcast presented by the Professionals for Association Revenue (PAR) and hosted by Carolyn Shomali that will get everyone in your association talking about revenue health.

Yes, we know what you are thinking… ‘Another podcast?!’ And you’re right! We don’t need another podcast, but we think we need a new kind of podcast. Over the course of 8 episodes, Association RevUP will explore how everyone from practitioners to C-Suite executives can improve association business practices. The best part? The 25-minute episodes are written and produced in an entertaining way meaning we think it’s the type of learning you’ll want to do, not the type of learning you have to do.

Learn about PAR by visiting

Special thanks to VPC Inc, the supporting partner of this podcast.

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Episode 1: RevUP Culture

Featuring: Jamie Notter (Propel)

According to Culture Strategist Jamie Notter, culture drives behaviour. So before we take steps to improve our association business practices, it's vital that we explore our organization's culture. Join us as we define culture, show you how to create and maintain the one you want, acknowledge pitfalls to avoid, and provide critical questions for you to assess where your culture is and where you want it to go.

Episode 2: RevUP Sales Leadership

Featuring: Carrie McIntyre (Navigate), Jodi Ashcraft (APA), Jeremy Figoten (ICMA)

Episode 2 takes what we learned about culture in Episode 1 and puts it into action as we examine five elements of effective sales leadership. Jodi Ashcraft (APA) and Carrie McIntyre (Navigate) show us how to treat sales pros like experts, prioritize relationships, show the value of sales teams, set sales criteria and establish psychological safety. Plus, find out what crucial step Jeremy Figoten (ICMA) takes to elevate the efficiency of his sales team.

Episode 3: RevUP Sales Skills

Featuring: Brittany Shoul (MCI, Jay Blankenship (MCI), Chris Smith (FMCA), Lori Zoss Kraska (Growth Owl) Park Howell (Business of Story)

With a strong culture and effective leadership in place, we can now focus on the sales skills that will elevate our work. Brittany Shoul shows us how understanding our audience is the foundation of successful sales teams. Get ready to dive into everything from artificial intelligence to how to run a meeting and what to say during effective outreach. Plus, find out what Park Howell says is the most effective way your team can rise above the competition.

Episode 4: RevUP Partnerships

Featuring: Jeremy Figoten (ICMA), Bruce Rosenthal (PPN), Lewis Flax (Flax Associates), Tracie Clemmer (IDA)

Episode 4 asks listeners to answer a foundational question: does the entirety of your association understand the transformational impact of association partnerships? This episode illustrates how you can transform sponsors into partners while getting your entire organization on board. Featuring insights from four association business pioneers, this is an episode you won't want to miss!

Episode 5: RevUP Corporate Connections

Featuring: Lori Zoss Kraska (Growth Owl), Josh Slayton (Holmes Corporation)

By now, this season has shown how culture, sales leadership, sales skills and partnerships are all intertwined for the makings of an association that prioritizes revenue health. Now in episode 5, Lori Zoss Kraska shares how to conduct outreach that resonates with Fortune1000 companies and the type of partnerships associations can forge to transform their industries. Then, Josh Slayton of Holmes Corporation takes it a step further by showing how associations can partner with higher ed to build the workforce of the future. This is a high-level episode and a must-listen episode for any association business pioneer.

Episode 6: RevUP Data to Drive Business

Featuring:  Joe Colangelo (Bear Analytics), Thad Lurie (AGU), Maneesha Manges (HighRoad Solutions), Vinnu Deshetty (EVA)

For our associations to move beyond relevance and into change makers it requires attention to data. In this episode, a team of data superstars shows why data is your association's most valuable asset, how to utilize it to tell a story, ways to prioritize it within your association's culture, and new event strategies powered by data. 

Episode 7: RevUP Digital Strategy

Featuring: Duane Capuano (Success Roads), Michelle Brien (Matchbox), Colleen McKenna (Intero Advisory)

This episode takes everything we've learned about association business and helps us propel it into action by exploring digital strategy. Join Duane Capuano and Michelle Brien as they outline the financial, operational and strategic goals your association should consider before making its next digital transformation.

Episode 8: RevUp Change Management - Coming July 23

Featuring: Skot Waldron

Throughout this season, Association RevUP took a comprehensive look at how to prioritize association business so that you can reach your mission. But knowing what to do is just the beginning - in this final episode, we'll learn how to approach change so that everyone within your association understands the value.  Renowned speaker and change management consultant Skot Waldron joins us to discuss not only the why but the how of change management.