At the 2024 RevUP Summit, association business pioneers will gather to share ideas and learn the skills that can turn them into outcomes. This month's Executive Take features the insights of some of the RevUP presenters. We asked them:

What is one thing associations can do now (in your area of expertise) to improve business outcomes?

"Be obsessed with solving your audience's problems. Associations can beat every other information provider by offering high value content that solves their audience’s unique problems, but too often legacy systems stand in the way. It sounds simple, but providing must-have content is the foundation for virtually all due and non-dues revenue growth."


Krystle Kopacz

Revmade | CEO

"Develop a data governance plan that outlines how data influences organizational goals, identifies the necessary data and tools, details the methods for data collection and storage, and specifies the ownership, management, and governance of the data."


Vinnu Deshetty

Event Tech Hub | Founder and CEO 

"If you’re not doing incremental price increases every year or two, start. Just start."

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Dr. Michael Tatonetti, CAE, CPP

Pricing for Associations | Founder and CEO

"Adopt lean startup methodology for developing your ideas for new non-dues revenue programs! If you're not sure what that is, why it matters, or how to use it, come to Patricia Ramallo's and my session at RevUP to learn about the build-measure-learn cycle, the minimum viable product, and the pivot, and how they can help you and your team avoid wasting time and other scarce resources working on the wrong thing."


Elizabeth Engel

Spark Consulting | Chief Strategist


Join PAR at the RevUP Summit 2024!

Join the PAR community to venture into new territories of revenue generation and business development. Journey with your peers to uncover the opportunities, strategies and techniques that lead to better business outcomes for associations. Register here!