KPIs & Data

Showing 161-160 of 0.

Seal of Approval: Would You Endorse Your Own Association?

What does sour milk, a test kitchen and the search for perfection have to do with associations? We connect the dots in this article as we explore the benefit of an association seal of approval along with Dr. Michael Tatonetti, CPP, CAE – and ask the questions to help you determine if you’d receive the endorsement and trust of your own audience.

Is it Time to Say Goodbye to Your Association Program?

Every association program follows a natural lifecycle. They grow, mature, and yes, eventually decline. For associations, the critical question is what to do with those programs in decline. When do you opt for updates and when do you bid it farewell?

Non-Dues Revolution: Leadership, Process and the Data Your Ideas Need to Succeed

Wed, November 15, 2023 – 2:00PM – 3:00PM (EDT)

John Bacon, Teri Carden, Jim Elliott, Sean Soth

When it comes to non-dues revenue, ideas need strong leadership and process to be impactful. Join PAR and a panel of non-dues experts as we discuss new findings from PAR’s 2023 Non-Dues Performance Survey and…

PAR Member Meet-Up: Help Me Solve

Wed, November 29, 2023 – 9:00AM – 9:30AM (EDT)

PAR members share the most challenging situation they are managing at the moment. Need help with your 2024 plans? Have a proposal due, but no new ideas? Is your Board ready for innovation? Solve together…

PAR Member Meet-Up: There’s No Playbook for That

Wed, November 8, 2023 – 12:00PM – 12:30PM (EDT)

Chris Strong

Association teams share the craziest member, attendee or client experiences. If challenges help us grow, then tune-in and learn how association teams have solved their craziest moments and lived to tell the tale! Association executive…

PAR Member Meet-Up: Future-Thinking Revenue Streams

Wed, October 25, 2023 – 9:00AM – 9:30AM (EDT)

Based on the 2023 PAR Association Business Development Landscape Report, membership and conference attendance are still the highest priority programs for revenue generation.  However, Non-Dues programs have the highest potential for overall revenue production.  Join…

PAR Member Meet-Up: How to Approach Revenue Forecasts for 2024

Wed, October 11, 2023 – 9:00AM – 9:30AM (EDT)

How associations plan and deliver revenue forecasts from the basic to the advanced will be discussed.  Join other PAR members as we share forecasting metrics and tips on how to include internal colleagues and departments…

PAR Member Meet-Up: How Unique is your Unique Value Proposition?

Wed, September 27, 2023 – 12:00PM – 12:30PM (EDT)

Do your potential members, exhibitors, advertisers or sponsors understand how your association programs can create value around their investment?  Join the PAR community as we share unique value propositions and explore how other members position…

Mission Possible: How Associations Can Achieve Their Own Moon Landing Moment

Our Professional for Association Revenue (PAR) team keeps our mission in reach with the help of our favorite symbol: an astronaut. Find out why this image reminds us of the powerful things that can happen when mission and revenue align.

Unlocking the Power of Educational Content Marketing for Associations

Wed, March 20, 2024 – 2:00PM – 3:00PM (EDT)

Kristen Wall, EdD

In today’s digital landscape, associations must adapt and innovate to increase their revenue and serve their members effectively. This virtual workshop is designed to equip association executives with the knowledge and strategies they need to…